Thin Gray Line CrossFit was founded in 2019 and is the official CrossFit affiliate of the Kentucky State Police Academy. We are a nonprofit affiliate, so there are no membership dues. We post our daily WODs (workout of the day) on the SugarWOD app, which is available on Apple and Android devices.
This website is designed to be a place where you can follow the same training provided to cadets and our agency personnel, improve your own fitness level, and, most importantly,
build your capacity beyond the demand.
*Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on this website are not a substitute for qualified medical advice from your personal physician. Accordingly, the author, nor the Kentucky State Police, assume no responsibility nor liability for injury, illness, or other malady incurred on account of the information detailed within this website. We strongly encourage independent research and the guidance of medical professionals as well as professional coaching before starting a physical fitness regimen, health supplements, and/or dietary changes.*